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About Michaela

I'm a psychotherapist by day, and I am also a wife, mother, friend, sister, daughter, human being. 

What I share with you below will give you an insight into me as a whole person, what led me to this wonderfully fullfilling career and keeps my passion alive. 


My Story

I found myself in a similar position to many of the clients I now work with. In my early to mid twenties, after graduation from my first degree, I felt incredibly lost and disconnected from my self. I had done everything expected of me up until that point and falsely believed I would find my worth in a job title, in material possessions, in anything but myself. I was looking for validation and fullfilment in all the wrong places. ​I had to recover from toxic productivity, burnout and over pleasing others needs before my own.


This didn't happen overnight.  


It took my own therapeutic journey and training to unpack the conditions of worth I had internalised from my own childhood to recognise and embody my own sense of self and worth.

I knew as soon as I attended my very first therapeutic training day 8 years ago, that I had come home. This career has allowed me to find my inner child and help others find theirs too. 


I learnt to come back to my body through using mind body connecting techniques and I have since leaned into integrating a somatic mind-body way of living both personally and professionally. This is now a life long commitment of mine, to continue to prioritise my energetic self and my emotional wellbeing. To remain open to self development and awareness, so that I can show up for myself, my family and my clients.


I now work with people who have become either emotionally disconnected or overwhelmed and unable to relate to or control their emotions. 


Outside the therapy room

A non-negotiable for me has been my at home yoga practice. Since beginning this journey through Yoga with Adriene - (highly recommend) - back in 2019, it has become my foundation for self compassion, empathy and care. Yoga is a personal passion that I hope to always continue to grow and strengthen. I have found simple loving acts such as small at home yoga sessions, has leaked into other areas and helped me to integrate mindfulness and movement in the therapy room as well. 

I love to read, since being a young girl my childhood comfort read was Harry Potter. Being able to immerse myself in a magical world helped me in a lot of ways. Now my reading tends to be more self development though I still make space for the occasional fantasy read. 

I'm a summer girl and love nothing more than the late summer night season. All year round I try my best to get outside even for a walk round the block. Getting outside even for 10 minutes keeps me more grounded and calm.

I am also level 1 Reiki attuned, this affords me another area of self care and has been profound for me in more ways than one.


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